
autumn stubble Learn more about autumn stubble

  • Soil improvement techniques for soybean cultivation

    Soil improvement techniques for soybean cultivation

    1. Soil conditions for high soybean yield Soil conditions are the basis for high soybean yield. Soil moisture status, nutrient status and some physical properties of soil are important factors affecting soybean yield. Soybean seeds require more water for germination than cereal crops. The young roots of soybean are soft and have a large moisture content. Suitable soil moisture conditions can promote the young roots to extend to depth. The main root of the plant can reach about 1 meter, and the lateral root can extend parallel to about 0.5 meters. When soil moisture is insufficient, it will affect its vertical and horizontal expansion growth.

  • Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    In view of the late sowing date and low and unstable yield of wheat with cotton stubble, we explored a set of high-yield cultivation techniques for wheat with cotton stubble, which greatly increased the yield of wheat. In 1999, the planting area of the county was about 50,000 mu, with an average yield of 350 kg per mu. The main technical points are as follows: (1) pour enough soil moisture and apply enough fertilizer to make soil moisture before October 15, then pull out the cotton plant and transport it to the outside of the field, so that the late autumn peach will crack naturally on the cotton plant. Due to the large soil fertility consumption of cotton stubble, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer. But the cotton stubble wheat sowed late and depended on the main stem.

  • Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    Cultivation techniques of Cotton stubble Wheat

    In view of the late sowing date and low and unstable yield of wheat with cotton stubble, we explored a set of high-yield cultivation techniques for wheat with cotton stubble, which greatly increased the yield of wheat. In 1999, the planting area of the county was about 50,000 mu, with an average yield of 350 kg per mu. The main technical points are as follows: (1) pour enough soil moisture and apply enough fertilizer to make soil moisture before October 15, then pull out the cotton plant and transport it to the outside of the field, so that the late autumn peach will crack naturally on the cotton plant. Due to the large soil fertility consumption of cotton stubble, it is necessary to increase the amount of base fertilizer. But cotton stubble wheat sowed late, moved by the main stem and jointed.

  • 1 minute to read what time to grow and what vegetables to grow.

    1 minute to read what time to grow and what vegetables to grow.

    Some vegetable planting schedules in southern China, sowing time, sowing time, harvest time, corn fruits, spring and summer sowing, 60-90 days after sowing, harvest corn spring in the field.

  • Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

    Catch eight points when sowing late stubble wheat with high yield

    In general, the accumulated temperature before the late crop Ophiopogon japonicus is less, fewer roots, fewer leaves, fewer tillers, small seedlings and weak seedlings, but the development process is fast in spring. In order to ensure the high and stable yield of late stubble wheat, we must adhere to the comprehensive cultivation techniques focusing on increasing fertilizer application, selecting improved wheat varieties suitable for late sowing and early maturing, and increasing sowing amount. Focus on the following eight points: first, early stubble removal: early stubble, early soil preparation and early sowing should be achieved without affecting the yield of autumn crops, so as to speed up the sowing progress and reduce the loss of accumulated temperature. For

  • Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

    Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

    Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

  • Cutting stubble Regeneration cultivation technique of eggplant Seedling

    Cutting stubble Regeneration cultivation technique of eggplant Seedling

    Through many years' practice, it has been proved that eggplant seedling stubble regeneration cultivation is an effective measure to increase yield, reduce production cost, increase economic benefit and adjust eggplant off-peak season. 1. In the period of stubble, the price of eggplant is high and the yield is low in spring and autumn, and the period of high yield and low price is in the middle of summer. Therefore, the midsummer is the best time to cut stubble of eggplant seedlings. In addition, eggplant has main root eggplant, door eggplant, four sides of eggplant fruit growth is large and fat, eggplant seedling upper eggplant fruit.

  • How to control diseases and insect pests when planting alfalfa in autumn and winter?

    How to control diseases and insect pests when planting alfalfa in autumn and winter?

    Alfalfa is the earliest and most widely distributed perennial leguminous forage in the world. It not only has high yield, good quality and high nutritional value, but also is resistant to cold and drought, barren, adaptable and suitable for planting in a wide area. It is to increase the milk yield of dairy cows.

    2020-11-09 Autumn and winter planting purple flowers alfalfa diseases and insect pests how to control
  • How to control diseases and insect pests when planting alfalfa in autumn and winter?

    How to control diseases and insect pests when planting alfalfa in autumn and winter?

    Alfalfa is the earliest and most widely distributed perennial leguminous forage in the world. it not only has high yield, good grass quality and high nutritional value, but also is resistant to cold and drought, barren, adaptable and suitable for planting in a wide range of areas. it is the first choice for increasing milk yield of dairy cows and developing beef cattle industry.

  • Control methods of Liriomyza sinensis

    Control methods of Liriomyza sinensis

    Liriomyza huidobrensis belongs to the family Liriomyidae. Also known as soybean root maggot, soybean root miner, etc., this insect is a monophagous pest, only to harm soybean and wild soybean. Distributed in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shandong and Hebei and other places. The yield of the injured plant is more than 40% lower than that of the healthy plant. 1. Morphological characteristics (1) the adult is about 3 mm long, bright black, and its wings are light purple with metallic luster. Compound eyes are bright red. (2) the egg is about 0.015 mm long and 0.04mm wide, reniform and white.

  • Planting a pot of garlic seedlings in autumn can grow a foot high in ten days, eat several stubbles and harvest garlic.

    Planting a pot of garlic seedlings in autumn can grow a foot high in ten days, eat several stubbles and harvest garlic.

    Many friends often ask, in autumn, want to grow their own vegetables, what vegetables are good, they are not very good at growing vegetables, are there any very simple dishes, then Xiaoya recommends garlic seedlings, leeks, small green lettuce, lettuce and so on, because they do not need skills.

  • How to grow autumn potatoes in stubble

    How to grow autumn potatoes in stubble

    Potatoes are generally planted in spring and harvested in spring, but less in autumn, and it is also more difficult. The key is to break the dormancy of seed potatoes. But planting potato in autumn can increase the multiple cropping index and increase the income. Generally planting summer vegetables, watermelons and other summer crops can be arranged to plant autumn potatoes. The planting techniques of autumn potato are introduced as follows: first, sowing at the right time. It is appropriate for areas with an altitude of about 500 meters to sow seeds from August 10 to 15, areas above 500 meters above sea level can be sown in early August, and areas below 400 meters above sea level should be postponed to the end of August. The previous work of taboo eggplant

  • Beijing: "Xiang Qian Onion" is 60% cheaper than last year


    Beijing: "Xiang Qian Onion" is 60% cheaper than last year

  • Reasonable selection of sowing time for wheat

    Reasonable selection of sowing time for wheat

    The suitable sowing time of wheat generally means that it is suitable for sowing when the average temperature of day and night drops steadily to 18-15 ℃ in autumn. Within this range, semi-winter varieties are sown first, and spring varieties are sown later. The natural conditions such as suitable temperature and light in autumn and winter can be used to form strong seedlings before winter, which is beneficial to safely overwintering and improve the panicle rate of tillers and grain weight. It is now a critical time for wheat sowing, and wheat has been sown from north to south in the province. According to the sowing time requirements of different regions and different types of wheat varieties, and aiming at the problem of wheat sowing at the right time, which is generally concerned by farmers, this paper puts forward

  • December 26, 2015 Peanut in Jiangsu Province Today's latest Market Today Pig

    December 26, 2015 Peanut in Jiangsu Province Today's latest Market Today Pig

    Xuzhou area peanut price: Jiangsu Xuzhou peanut price: Jiangsu Xuzhou approved Henan Zhengyang wheat stubble white sand 7 sieve selected peanut price 4.50-4.55 yuan / jin, 8 sieve milled rice 4.70-4.75 yuan / jin, 6-7 small milled rice 3.50-3.60 yuan / jin; approved Henan Weishi Luhua No. 8 7 sieve

    2015-12-26 2015 December 26 Jiangsu region Peanut Today latest
  • Key points of wild home management technology of Schisandra chinensis

    Key points of wild home management technology of Schisandra chinensis

    There are still many wild natural associations of Schisandra chinensis in Northeast and Northwest China. Home management of these wild Schisandra chinensis can obviously increase the yield and quickly receive economic benefits. The main technical points of manual management of wild Schisandra chinensis are introduced below. 1. Clear forest and flat stubble. Qinglin is to clean up the plants that compete with Schisandra for water, fertilizer and glory, including trees and weeds that hinder the growth and development of Schisandra chinensis, so as to ensure ventilation and light transmission. Clean it up every spring. Flat stubble is the growth of new young branches after clearing the forest, especially a large number of tillers around the plant of Schisandra chinensis.

  • The latest tomato planting time

    The latest tomato planting time

    Tomatoes are thermophilic, with the appropriate temperature of 25~28℃ during the day and 16~18℃ at night. Below 15℃, germination, pollination and fertilization of tomato seeds and tomato turning red were affected: below 10℃, growth was slow, reproductive development was inhibited, stem and leaf stopped growing at 5℃, and 2℃ was affected.

    2020-11-10 latest tomato of planting time thermophilic day suitable
  • Tomato planting method and time

    Tomato planting method and time

    Soaking seeds to promote germination: tomato seeds can be soaked in warm water to improve the germination rate. Sowing and planting: sow seeds in a suitable environment and wait for the seedlings to grow to 2-3 true leaves. Late management: timely ploughing and weeding, reasonable application of fertilizer, timely watering and setting up

    2020-11-08 Tomato planting method and time summary seed soaking sprouting
  • What should we pay attention to when growing zucchini?

    What should we pay attention to when growing zucchini?

    What should we pay attention to when growing zucchini? Please introduce zucchini planting in detail to pay attention to the following points: first, sowing time should be determined according to the local climate and planting stubble. The greenhouse autumn delay stubble should be sowed in the middle of September, and the winter stubble in the warm greenhouse should be sown in late October.

  • Hydroponic garlic when hydroponic culture is good? How do you plant it?

    Hydroponic garlic when hydroponic culture is good? How do you plant it?

    Recently, there are frequent videos of hydroponic garlic on Jinri Toutiao, which makes people curious and pursue its hydroponic method. In fact, the method of hydroponic garlic is very simple. As long as the utensils are ready, when will hydroponic garlic be ready? How do you plant it? Hydroponic culture

    2020-11-09 Hydroponic culture garlic when good how plant recently today